和肺結核病人一起吃飯, 很容易被傳染, 所以要分開吃, 病人的食具用畢消毒後, 也要分開貯藏 (Disinfect and separate the utensils of the patient), 1953
和肺結核病人一起吃飯, 很容易被傳染, 所以要分開吃, 病人的食具用畢消毒後, 也要分開貯藏 (Disinfect and separate the utensils of the patient), Shanghai Anti-Tuberculosis Association, 1953
This poster provides instructions for how to disinfect objects and utensils used by a TB patient and keep others from being infected. The images show a man sick with TB eating at a separate table from other people, a woman putting away clean dishes after sanitizing them, and a steaming pot for disinfecting.
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![Poster with a cityscape featuring Tiananmen, a farm, factories, and a Chinese flag on each side of a red star in the sky, text in the middle.](/hmd/topics/chinese-posters/images/poster-communicable_101557344.jpg)
In 1953 the Shanghai Anti-Tuberculosis Association produced a large series of anti-TB posters that sought to educate the public on the causes, symptoms, treatments, and methods of preventing the spread of TB.