肺結核病人曾經住過的房間, 必需進行一次徹底的消毒, 才能再住其他的人 (Disinfect the patient's room thoroughly before others move in), 1953
肺結核病人曾經住過的房間, 必需進行一次徹底的消毒, 才能再住其他的人 (Disinfect the patient's room thoroughly before others move in), Shanghai Anti-Tuberculosis Association, 1953
This poster emphasizes the importance of properly disinfecting a TB patient’s room before another moves in. It shows three people in long white coats with masks over their mouths are cleaning and disinfecting a room. The window is open and sunshine is pouring in.
About the Book
![Poster with a cityscape featuring Tiananmen, a farm, factories, and a Chinese flag on each side of a red star in the sky, text in the middle.](/hmd/topics/chinese-posters/images/poster-communicable_101557344.jpg)
In 1953 the Shanghai Anti-Tuberculosis Association produced a large series of anti-TB posters that sought to educate the public on the causes, symptoms, treatments, and methods of preventing the spread of TB.