Technical Notes
TOXLINE RebuiltTOXLINE and TOXLINE65 were rebuilt in May 1997 in order to provide 1997 MeSH indexing on the records in the TOXBIB, DART, and BIOSIS subfiles. During the rebuilding of TOXLINE, the TSCATS subfile was also replaced. A new year of CRISP data, FY96, was included. CRISP now covers FY92-96. The subfile from the Swedish National Chemicals Inspectorate's Riskline file was replaced and now contains the identifier RISKLINE instead of KEMI in the Secondary Source Identification (SI) field. The replaced subfiles have an Entry Month (EM) value of 9703, 9704, or 9705. Searchers who are doing their own SDI-type searches should wait until the first monthly update of TOXLINE in June before using the Entry Month (EM) in a strategy to retrieve new records. Use of the EM value retrospectively is not recommended. The first update following the regeneration will include data intended for TOXLINE updates in April, May, and June. TOXLINE now contains 1,682,366 records. TOXLINE65 contains 722,434 records. TRI95 Available OnlineOn May 20, 1997, the TRI95 database joined TRI87-94 to become the ninth file in the Toxic Chemical Release Inventory (TRI) series of files on TOXNET. Mandated by the Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) collects data from facilities around the country on estimated releases of certain chemicals to the environment (air, water, land, underground injection) as well as data related to source reduction and recycling activities. Starting with the 1995 Reporting Year, certain facilities with low annual reportable amounts are eligible to submit a shortened, simplified form (Form A) in lieu of the long form (Form R). The short form is for facilities meeting the usual reporting criteria, but which do not exceed 500 pounds for the total annual reportable amount and do not manufacture, process, or otherwise use more than one million pounds of the reportable chemical. The designations SHORT or LONG appear in the SUBN field and are searchable. There were 282 new chemical categories added to TRI95. Federal facilities are required to report TRI chemical releases to EPA beginning with the reporting year 1994. The data field FEDF (Federal Facility Status) can be used to limit a search to federal facilities. FEDF contains one of the two values - FEDERAL or COMMERCIAL. All updates to TRI Backfiles have been completed and are available online. A revised TRI Reference Manual is near completion; its availability will be announced soon in the TOXNET News. DENTALPROJ To Be "Pulled"The DENTALPROJ database will be discontinued effective September 30, 1997 at the request of the National Institute of Dental Research (NIDR). The file contains summaries of about 1,000 active dental research projects. This data and information on NIDR and its programs and research is now available through the NIDR Home Page (http://www.nidcr.nih.gov). For specific questions, please contact:
NLM Prepares for the Year 2000This is a brief note to let you know that NLM is getting ready for the Year 2000 by planning the necessary changes to allow for accurate and precise ELHILL searching by date into the next century. The actual MEDLARS data in the database records as they are disseminated to licensees will not change; however, the dates will be displayed and printed for the online MEDLARS user with all four digits of the year (century format). Except for ranging, you will be able to continue searching dates on ELHILL in their current form (two digits for the year designation) or with the century format and get identical results. These changes will be implemented during Year End Processing and will appear online in MEDLINE in December 1997 when the rebuilt and updated 1998 file is made available online. TOXNET databases are scheduled to be Year 2000 compliant in 1998. Specific details and search instructions for online users will be given in the September-October issue of this publication. Stay tuned for more information. New Online Services Reference Manual (OSRM) Chapters AvailableThe following OSRM chapters have been recently made available:
Available Free Electronically Users who have Internet/ftp capabilities and prefer to download the chapters may do so by connecting to the NLM Web site (http://www.nlm.nih.gov) selecting Our Publications, Publications About Using NLM Programs and Services, [This link was removed because it is no longer valid]. The updated chapters are available electronically in three formats. Adobe Acrobat pdf; WordPerfect 5.1; and PostScript. Available for Purchase in Printed Format To order any of the chapters listed at a cost of $10 per chapter, please send request(s) with a check or credit card number to:
Please include your complete address and phone number. If using a credit card, the order may be faxed to 212-534-7042. Checks must be payable to the New York Academy of Medicine and directed to Mr. Charles Rapisarda's attention. Sorry, no phone orders, purchase orders or invoices. Please direct questions about this service to: notc@nyam.org. |
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