AIDSLINE UpdateBIOETHICSLINE Citations AddedAIDSLINE was updated with AIDS-related citations from BIOETHICSLINE on April 11, 1997. There were 708 records pulled from the BIOETHICS database. These records include all the unique materials from the file, excluding monographs and journal articles, dating back to 1980. Specifications have been written for the conversion of BIOETHICSLINE monographs and journal articles to AIDSLINE format and programming will commence this year. Meeting Abstracts AddedMeeting abstracts from the 1996 National Institutes of Health (NIH) Conference on Advances in AIDS Vaccine Development were added to AIDSLINE in March 1997. The conference abstracts can be isolated by searching the Title Abbreviation field: (TA) Conf Adv AIDS Vaccine Dev. The 1997 conference was held at the National Institutes of Health on May 5-7, 1997 and the abstracts from this conference will be added to AIDSLINE. The meeting abstracts from the NIH 4th Retroviral Conference will be put up on the World Wide Web during the next month and will be loaded into AIDSLINE sometime after that. The URL is: http://sis.nlm.nih.gov. Abstracts from the 8th Annual Australasian Society for HIV Medicine Conference were added to AIDSLINE in March 1997. To find the abstracts from this meeting, enter: (SI) ASHM8. The 1996 American Society for Microbiology Abstracts were also added to AIDSLINE. To retrieve all abstracts enter: (SI) ASM96. AIDS Code UpdateReminder to all AIDS database users: Special User ID codes can be requested for non-billed access to the MEDLARS AIDS-related databases only. Access to all Web-available MEDLARS databases is free and no code is required. Call the Customer Service Desk at 888-346-3656 if you do not have Web access and require a non-billed code. An application for a code will be mailed to you. The Windows version of Grateful Med does not yet provide user-friendly access to AIDSLINE. However, the AIDS codes can be used with Internet Grateful Med, Grateful Med DOS Version 6.7, or Grateful Med Version 2.3 for the Macintosh.
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