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Gallery: Hygiene and Sanitation

我睡覺時, 頭露在被窩外面; 我在熱天睡覺, 要蓋好肚子 (I let my head uncovered during sleep and I cover my belly in hot weather), ca. 1950

我睡覺時, 頭露在被窩外面; 我在熱天睡覺, 要蓋好肚子 (I let my head uncovered during sleep and I cover my belly in hot weather), New China Children’s Hygiene Habits Map, Shanghai New Asia Bookstore, painted by Li Qingsong (李清悚) and Zhang Lingtao (張令濤), ca. 1950

This poster shows a boy sleeping with a blanket covering his whole body while sleeping in cold weather, and covering only his abdomen in hot weather.

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