Encircling Gunshot-wound in Brain, 1898
Plate 20. Encircling Gunshot-wound. An interesting example of deflection of the projectile from the direction of the shot, or of the so-called ricochet-shot, within the body, is the so-called encircling-shot. This is produced when a shot, striking an arched bone obliquely, travels around it. Such gun-shot wounds have been observed not only on the convexity of arched bones...but also on their concavity. The case illustrated in Plate 20 belongs to the latter category. The case was that of a young man who had killed himself with a shot from a revolver of 7 mm. caliber. The projectile perforated the skin of the right temporal region directly in front of the line of the growth of the hair, making a pea-sized blackened opening. It then coursed obliquely upward and backward through the temporal muscles and the great wing of the sphenoid bone into the outer part of the right Sylvian fissure; thence to the concavity of the right frontal vault. From this point it became directed anteroposteriorly around the entire convexity of the brain....
Eduard Ritter von Hofmann, M.D., Atlas of Legal Medicine, Philadelphia, chromolithograph; Artist A. Schmitson
National Library of Medicine