The NLM Technical Bulletin on the WebIn keeping with the electronic age, the NLM Technical Bulletin will be published electronically in HTML (Hyper-Text Markup Language) format via the NLM Web site, http://www.nlm.nih.gov, beginning with the January-February 1998 issue. The November - December 1997 issue will be the last issue to be printed on paper and mailed to readers. The decision for this transition was made due to the many requests we have received for an electronic version of the Technical Bulletin and also due to the increasing costs of printing and mailing. The name of the publication will not be changing and the issue numbers will continue sequentially without interruption. However, articles will now be numbered rather than having page numbers and they will have an electronic indicator "e" before the article number. For example, the first article in each online issue will be e1 and the second article will be e2. In addition, all 1997 issues of the Technical Bulletin will be converted to HTML format for viewing through your Web browser from the Web site. Finding the Technical BulletinBeginning on January 5, 1998, the new electronic version of the Technical Bulletin will be accessed from the NLM Web site, http://www.nlm.nih.gov. After January 5, once at the Web site you will click on Newsletters under Our Publications; click on NLM Technical Bulletin [corrected 1/3/98]. You could then bookmark the URL for quick and easy future use. The specific URL address, as of January 5, for the electronic Technical Bulletin will be: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/pubs/techbull/tb.html. Until that time this Web site will only be for downloading the Technical Bulletin in PDF (portable format document) and PostScript format. Getting Around in the Web-based Technical BulletinOne of the advantages to publishing electronically is that readers will have new information in a more timely manner - no more waiting for a complete issue to be cumulated and printed to find out about a new feature or other newsworthy information. New articles and Technical Notes will be published electronically as they become available. Because each article will be in HTML format rather than a PDF or PostScript file you will be able to print a selected article right from your browser rather than downloading the entire issue. Reminder: The Technical Bulletin is not copyrighted and is freely reproducible. All articles and Technical Notes published within the two-month time frame of an issue will then be compiled into one bi-monthly issue and assigned an issue number. Completed issues will be easily distinguished by a dark icon. An issue that is in progress will be marked by a grayed-out icon. Beginning in 1998, new issues will no longer be available in the PostScript or Acrobat(TM) PDF formats. However, the May - June 1993 through November - December 1997 issues, originally printed on paper, will still be available as downloadable PostScript and PDF files. A print alternative for a fee is being investigated. Stay tuned for details. Cumulative IndexThe Technical Bulletin cumulative index will also be available electronically on this Web site. The index is from 1979 to the present and will include a link to the cited HTML-formatted article if it was published in January-February 1997 or later.
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