Emergency Preparedness and Response
Collection Recovery Methods: Paintings and Other Framed or Glazed Art
Paintings and Other Framed or Glazed Art
Oil Paintings - Framed/Glazed Artworks
Oil Paintings
Recovery Priority during the first 24-48 hours
Wet paintings: what to expect
- Wooden supports might warp
- Wear thin plastic gloves. Wet items are easily torn, so handle them carefully by the edges and support from underneath.
- Composite objects may delaminate
- Wet or damp varnishes can abrade
- Priming layers and glue are not stable
Freezing Procedures
- Do not freeze or freeze dry.
- Wear thin plastic gloves.
- Handle paintings carefully by the edges and support from underneath.
- Carry horizontally.
Air Drying Procedures
Air dry only.
- Gently remove debris from the front of the painting while wet except for water soluble or flaking media.
- Do not remove debris from the back of the wet painting; wait until it is dry.
- Remove the painting from the frame (leave canvas on stretcher).
- Place the painting face up without touching paint layer
- If possible, dry in a slow controlled manner using tenting supported by blocks under the painting to increase airflow.
- If the paint starts to flake while drying, face the top surface with tissue like Japanese tissue or toilet paper to prevent paint loss.
If paint is stable
- Put the painting face down on an absorbent surface of blotter or blank newsprint followed by a non-woven spun polyester and finally glassine on top of the stack.
- Gently blot the back of the painting with an absorbent material.
- Blotting material can be placed in between the stretcher bar and canvas while drying and changed frequently until dry.
For limited drying space
- Stand the wettest painting edge on top with the painting’s surface or face against a wall or rigid structure.
- Place a support like a cloth or foam block along the top edge between the painting and the wall and beneath the painting on the floor.
- During drying, rotate the painting 180 degrees to allow for even evaporation.
- If the floor is dirty, cover the floor with polyethylene sheeting covered with paper.
If packing damp or wet paintings is required:
- Wrap paintings in glassine, blank newsprint, or plastic sheeting.
- Once wrapped, support the painting with two pieces of cardboard secured by taping the edges.
- Write descriptive information about the painting on front piece of cardboard.
- Wrapping the painting in plastic can cause a mold outbreak. Remove the painting as soon as possible. No longer than 48 hours in plastic.

Framed/Glazed Artworks
Recovery Priority during the first 24-48 hours
- Immediately dry.
- Drain and carry horizontally.
Freezing Procedures
- Remove frame or glazing. (Do not attempt to remove if the item is sticking to glass.)
- Pack as dimensions allow.
- Freeze as applicable for media type.
- May be freeze dried according to media type.
Air Drying Procedures
- Remove items from frame or glazing.
- Air-dry the item face up on absorbent material. (Do not attempt to remove if the item is sticking to glass; instead, air-dry the back of the item with glass side placed face down.)

Last Reviewed: August 22, 2018