Going Further
Darwin for Children and Youth

1.Adamson, Heather, Gordon Purcell, and A. Milgrom. Charles Darwin and the Theory of Evolution. Mankato, MN: Capstone Press, 2008.
This graphic novel illustrates how Darwin developed his theory of evolution based on his research during the Beagle voyage.
2. Anderson, Margaret Jean. Charles Darwin: Naturalist. Berkeley Heights, NJ: Enslow Pub., 2008.
Part of the Great Minds of Science series, this book is a biography of Darwin, detailing his theories and providing scientific activities for the reader.
3. Ashby, Ruth. Young Charles Darwin and the Voyage of the Beagle. Atlanta: Peachtree, 2009.
This book follows Darwin on his travels aboard the Beagle, leading up to the creation of his theories of natural selection and evolution.
4. Cook, Diane. Darwin. Philadelphia: Mason Crest Publishers, 2003.
This book presents an illustrated biography of Darwin.
5. Fleisher, Paul. Evolution. Minneapolis: Lerner Publications Co., 2006.
Part of the Great Ideas of Science series, this book details Darwin’s theory of evolution. It describes some evolutionary ideas around before Darwin’s theory, Darwin’s observations aboard the Beagle, the work of Alfred Russel Wallace, how life might have evolved, and how evolutionary principles have influenced recent activities.
6. Fullick, Ann. Charles Darwin. Chicago: Heinemann Library, 2001.
This book is a biography of Darwin, focusing on his years aboard the Beagle and putting his work into historical context.
7. Gibbons, Alan and Leo Brown. Charles Darwin. New York: Kingfisher, 2008.
A work of fiction based on facts, this book takes the reader on the voyage of the Beagle through a diary written by Henry, a ten-year-old who has been given the job of Darwin’s assistant on the journey.
8. Hamley, Dennis and Mike Mosedale. Spilling the Beans on Darwin and a Selection of Others (Naturally). Great Bardfield, GB: Miles Kelly Publishing, 2000.
Part of the Spilling the Beans on… series, this book provides information on Darwin, and his travels, life, and work.
9. Heiligman, Deborah. Charles and Emma: the Darwins’ Leap of Faith. New York: Henry Holt and Co., 2009.
This biography details Darwin’s relationship with his wife and the interplay between his personal life and his work life. With Darwin’s wife Emma being deeply religious, this book highlights some of the tension between science and religion.
10. Hopkinson, Deborah and Nancy Harrison. Who was Charles Darwin? New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 2005.
This illustrated book takes readers through Darwin’s life including his voyage on the Beagle and his ideas on evolution.
11. King, David. Charles Darwin: a Photographic Story of a Life. London: DK Children, 2007.
This biography of Darwin details his life and career with photographs and illustrations.
12. Lasky, Kathryn and Matthew Trueman. One Beetle Too Many: The Extraordinary Adventures of Charles Darwin. Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Press, 2009.
This book is an illustrated biography of the life and work of Darwin.
13. Lawson, Kristan. Darwin and Evolution for Kids: His Life and Ideas, with 21 Activities. Chicago: Chicago Review Press, 2003.
A biography of Darwin that includes related activities, this book details Darwin’s young life, his voyage on the Beagle, and his ideas. It covers the work of his predecessors and contemporaries, putting his theories in context and reporting on reactions to them and on the tension between scientists and creationists.
14. Macdonald, Fiona and Mark Bergin. Inside the Beagle with Charles Darwin. New York: Enchanted Lion Books, 2005.
This biography describes Darwin’s life and especially his voyage on the Beagle, including his observations of life as he sailed around the world and his theories of natural selection and evolution.
Last Reviewed: January 25, 2024