Releases to date
6.2.54 (12/05/24)
- Overall/Administrative
- Enhance checkbox size
- Update Headers and Footers
- Perform additional back-end maintenance and updates for performance, security, and accessibility
- Reports
- Cancellation reports display requests that your library has cancelled and your requests that other libraries have cancelled per quarter
- Libraries
- Libraries and library groups in Routing Cell Management can be moved to another cell without the need to delete from a previous cell
- Lend & Borrow
- Request forms have Select All and Deselect All buttons for routing cells 1-9
6.2.53 (08/22/24)
- Overall/Administrative
- Perform additional back-end maintenance and updates for performance and security
- Journal Search
- Hyphens are optional when searching or requesting by ISSN
6.2.52 (06/20/24)
- Overall/Administrative
- Perform additional back-end maintenance and updates for performance and security
- Lend and Borrow API
- Updates to the API to improve integration with 3rd party ILL systems
- Library Groups
- A group will be removed from a library's routing when a library is removed from that group
- Libraries
- Only US/Canadian libraries can request fulfillment via Mail or Pickup delivery methods
6.2.51 (05/02/24)
- Overall/Administrative
- Perform additional back-end maintenance and updates for performance and security
- Libraries
- DOCLINE user accounts connected to libraries are visible to users of that library in the Manage Library section
6.2.50 (03/14/24)
- Overall/Administrative
- Perform additional back-end maintenance and updates for performance and security
- Library Groups
- Library group owners can update group members within their library group from their Manage Library page
- Activity & Status Area
- Pending approval section in the activity status page will only be visible to users with the ILL Role
6.2.49 (02/09/24)
- Overall/Administrative
- Perform back-end maintenance and updates for performance and security
- Journal Holdings
- Import/Export function now displays multiple error messages per import if errors are found
- Lend and Borrow API
- API is available to third-party ILL systems for a testing period. This API is for Lending and Borrowing functions. Announcement to follow with details about the API when it is out of the testing period
6.2.48 (11/09/23)
- Overall/Administrative
- Perform additional back-end maintenance and updates for performance and security
- Updated site footer to synchronize with NLM's Main Web Template
6.2.47 (10/06/23)
- Overall/Administrative
- Perform back-end maintenance and updates for performance and security
6.2.46 (08/11/23)
- Cloud Migration
- DOCLINE Cloud migration completed
6.2.45 (06/23/23)
- Activity & Status Area
- Pending approval section in the activity status page will disappear when there are no pending approvals
- Reports
- Activity Summaries reports are now available for up to thirteen prior months
- Activity Summaries provides an option for downloadable PDF and Excel
- Detailed by Library provides an option for downloadable PDF and Excel
- Detailed by Title provides an option for downloadable PDF and Excel
- Overall/Administrative
- US/Canadian participant libraries can input their business hours and time zones
6.2.44 (06/09/23)
- Overall/Administrative
- Perform back-end maintenance and updates for performance and security
- Libraries Search
- Search Libraries filter defaults for DOCLINE Participant and Open/Closed selections have been set to "Any"
6.2.43 (04/21/23)
- Overall/Administrative
- The "Non-Participant" library designation has now been changed to "NLM Only Participant" throughout DOCLINE. This is only a label change and no account features are affected by this update
- Automated Registration for New Accounts
- New Libraries may apply for a DOCLINE Participant or NLM Only Participant account through automated registration
- New Users may make account requests through automated registration
- Existing Users with the ILL Role may now approve or reject new user account requests for their library
- New user account requests will be visible in the homepage dashboard
- Once a request has been placed, both applicants and approvers will be notified via email
6.2.42 (02/24/23)
- Overall/Administrative
- Yearly journal reports have been generated for all libraries
- Special characters affecting the Import/Export feature are no longer preventing processing of the import file
6.2.41 (12/09/22)
- Borrowing
- Book ordering is now available. This enables users to request books that are in LocatorPlus. Book ordering search bar allows users to search via multiple unique IDs
- Book ordering is now available. This enables users to request books that are in LocatorPlus. Book ordering search bar allows users to search via multiple unique IDs
- Overall/Administrative
- Perform back-end maintenance and updates for performance and security
6.2.40 (09/09/22)
- Journal Holdings
- Import/Export function that will allow users batch updates to their holdings
- Journal search can now handle “&” symbol
- Borrowing
- Users can enter up to 10 PMIDs at a time
- New search options now available to place requests. Users may search by DOI and PubMed Search
- US/Canada users will have the option to choose to include international libraries in routing
- PMIDs search results page has updated display, including compact views, and warning messages
- Updated warning message for pending cancellations
- Libraries Search
- Added ILL fee/cost filters to search libraries
- Overall/Administrative
- Perform back-end maintenance and updates for performance and security
- Updated DOCLINE Manual to reflect changes about Import/Export, supported login methods, and handling duplicate holdings
6.2.39 (06/10/22)
- Journal Holdings
- Only electronic holdings may have "E-Pub Ahead of Print" selected as an option when adding or updating holdings records
- Activity & Status Area
- Library Status visible on the Activity & Status page
- Overall/Administrative
- System preparations for server platform upgrade, and cloud-based DOCLINE
- Perform back-end maintenance and updates for performance and security
6.2.38 (3/16/22)
- Overall/Administrative
- Perform back-end maintenance and updates to communication between DOCLINE
and the NLM interlibrary loan system both locally and in future cloud-based DOCLINE - Updates to back-end processing of NLM serials data for performance
- Perform back-end maintenance and updates to communication between DOCLINE
6.2.37 (2/16/22)
- Overall/Administrative
- Update administrative Search Filters to include filtering by user permission
- Update footer to meet HHS requirements by adding vulnerability disclosure
- System preparations for server platform upgrade, and cloud-based DOCLINE
- Perform back-end maintenance and updates for performance and security
6.2.36 (1/26/22)
- Lend Update
- Service Level (Rush, Urgent Patient Care) added to information displayed on request cards
in Lend Update making it easier for Lenders to pick requests needing fast action
- Service Level (Rush, Urgent Patient Care) added to information displayed on request cards
- Overall/Administrative
- Administrator Request views updated to provide additional information for requests no longer available to users
- Holdings validation updated to prepare for Journal Holdings Import/Export now in development
6.2.35 (12/14/21)
- Overall/Administrative
- Upgraded server platform to latest version
- Improved User creation and management process to speed response time
- Updated integration for NLM's DOCLINE transactions
- Enhanced auto-testing to reduce time to release for new features
6.2.34 (11/15/21)
- Lend Update
- Added detailed Lend Request cards to increase ease of use
- Added select/deselect buttons to choose requests quickly and easily
- Removed 'Fill' default to reduce update errors
- Overall/Administrative
- Added Juneteenth National Independence Day (June 19) to Time-Triggered Actions holiday schedule
- Updated "orphaned" Journal Holdings report to add additional journal identifier
- Updated editor for system banner messages
- System preparations for server platform upgrade, and cloud-based DOCLINE
6.2.33 (10/25/21)
- Libraries
- Library Search enhanced with modified layout and six new search filters: OCLC Symbol, Email Address, City, State, Country, Library Group(s)
- Administrative
- Updated server platform
- Modified Contact Library and User Account Request forms for additional security
6.2.32 (09/22/21)
- Libraries
- Integrated DOCLINE Library Profile data with NLM's ALMA unified library services platform, ensuring accurate ILL Patron Data
- Administrative
- Established connection with ALMA for future integration of bibliographic data
- Added Request & Routing Archiving for data integrity, privacy, and improved system performance
- Updated Administrator access
6.2.31 (8/30/21)
- Reports
- Added new reports "Libraries with my LIBID in their (Automatic or Manual) Routing Table"
- Requests
- Preparations for revising Lend Update
- Overall/Administrative
- Updated system references to NLM's catalog, LocatorPlus
- System updates for improved security
6.2.30 (8/4/21)
- Libraries Search
- Added new sorting feature in Libraries Search results. New default sort is by LIBID.
- Overall/Administrative
- Moved to new ALMA-LocatorPlus Serials API as the source for all DOCLINE bibliographic data for journals
- Journal Holdings Administration
- Added Holdings Administration dashboard
- Added Administrator ability to delete all holdings records from single Library (LIBID)
- Added Format filter for Admin Delete Holdings by LIBID (all, print, electronic, other)
- Administrator Library Group Search updated
- Updated site footer links to synchronize with NLM’s Main Web template
- Updated recipient addresses
- For changes to NNLM and Canadian Support in Account Request emails
- For NLM internal system alerts
6.2.29 (6/28/21)
- Overall/Administrative
- Request archiving preparations
- Cloud implementation framework
- New article request subject queries
6.2.28 (6/9/21)
- Reports
- Added Quarterly Lender and Borrower Detailed Request Reports
- Detailed Request Reports are an alphabetic list of LIBIDs to whom you lent or from whom you borrowed
- LIBIDs are grouped according to state and country
- Performance statistics for each LIBID are included
- Requests are grouped by end status (Filled/Not filled) and Type (Copy/Loan)
- Request Reports Help has been updated with Quarterly Report information
- Two years (eight quarters) of data is available
- Added Quarterly Lender and Borrower Detailed Request Reports
- Overall/General
- Updates to reduce average system page load time
6.2.27 (5/19/21)
- Library Profiles
- Implementation of new NNLM regional configuration
- Some libraries assigned to new regions
- Library Search results filtered by 'In My Region' and 'Not in My Region' now differ
- Overall/Administrative
- Library creation process updated for new regions
- EFTS transmission update
- Request Report preparation
6.2.26 (5/5/21)
- Reports
- New Request Reports dashboard
- Modifications to enable upcoming addition of detailed request reports
- Overall/Administrative
- Added User Account authentication manager
- Modified NLM Unique ID field to accommodate new NLM ILS
6.2.25 (4/7/21)
- Lend & Borrow
- New design templates including menu, header and footer revisions applied to Lend Receipt and Update,
all Borrow forms, and Lend and Borrow Search pages - Additional information about requested material, and the order itself, added to Borrow Success pages
- New design templates including menu, header and footer revisions applied to Lend Receipt and Update,
- Activity & Status Area
- New design templates applied, display improved for clarity
- Overall/General
- Updated system to remove superceded code
6.2.24 (3/3/21)
- Activity & Status Area
- Revised queries to improve home page load speed
6.2.23 (2/11/21)
- Overall/General
- User account processes updated
- other system maintenance
6.2.22 (1/27/21)
- Libraries
- New design templates including menu, header and footer revisions applied to Library Profile, Libraries Search and all Library Profile edit pages
- Overall/General
- New design templates applied to system components such as Login, Account Applications
- System maintenance
6.2.21 (12/2/20)
- Journal Holdings Search
- Added new sorting feature in Holdings search results. New default sort is by LIBID.
- Library Profile
- Borrow Information>Manual Routing Table
- Updated to prevent users from adding non-participant libraries as lenders.
- Borrow Information>Manual Routing Table
- Overall/Administration
- Added User Account management tools
6.2.20 (10/28/20)
- Journals
- New design templates including menu, header and footer revisions applied to Journals Search and all journals and holdings related pages
6.2.19 (10/21/20)
- Overall
- Updates to streamline system codebase and reduce the need for custom coding in future iterations.
- Help links modified. Links now point to NLM Support Center DOCLINE FAQs and Write to the Help Desk contact form.
- Reports
- New design templates including menu, header and footer revisions applied to Reports dashboards and detailed report pages
- Libraries
- New design template applied to Switch Library feature
6.2.18 (10/6/20)
- User Accounts
- Application updated to add clarity and additional contact options
- Overall
- EFTS file exchange updates
6.2.17 (9/23/20)
- Borrow
- Added "Free Full-Text" alert for PMID requests with PMC or publisher available content
- Overall
- EFTS process updates
- Target URL for EFTS report help replaced
- Permission Denied error page updated with new troubleshooting link and option
- Login page text describing system and NNLM updated
6.2.16 (8/18/20)
- Overall/Administration
- Server upgrades
- EFTS library status sychronization automated
6.2.15 (7/29/20)
- Overall/Administration
- EFTS process modifications
- Security Update
6.2.14 (7/23/20)
- Overall/Administration
- EFTS Library Update process modifications
6.2.13 (7/13/20)
- Library Profile
- Lend Information>General
- URL updated for MLA-Electronic Funds Transfer Service (EFTS)
- Delivery Methods Offered: Helper text added
- Borrow Information>Automated Routing Borrow Defaults
- URL updated for EFTS
- Journal Holdings accordion streamlined
- Lend Information>General
- Journals>Holdings>Edit
- Bug fix: modified Holdings record 'Last updated by' so that long usernames do not cause errors when holdings edits are saved.
- Overall
- EFTS library updates processed
- Results display modified to add number of results in Search: Borrow and Lend, Search Libraries,
Journals and Journal Holdings, and to improve consistency across search
- Administration
- Request search updated to include 'Last Action LIBID' (e.g. Lender) for improved customer support
- Request search updated to include 'Last Action LIBID' (e.g. Lender) for improved customer support
6.2.12 (6/23/20)
- Search Results Update: Search results display modified to improve consistency and add number of results found
- New display in Search Requests - Borrow and Lend, Search Libraries, Journals and Journal Holdings
- Overall/Administration
- Preparation for EFTS update
6.2.11 (6/17/20)
- Request Search: Sort By options added to Lend & Borrow search
- Options added: Requests - Oldest, Requests - Newest, Patron Name, Journal Title, and Lending Library -
LIBID (in Borrow Search), Borrowing Library - LIBID (in Lend Search)
- Options added: Requests - Oldest, Requests - Newest, Patron Name, Journal Title, and Lending Library -
- Overall/Administration
- EFTS preparations for library synchronization
- Server software update
6.2.10 (5/18/20)
- Reports: Annual Borrower and Lender Journal Request Reports added to Request Reports dashboard
- Only January-December 2019 (Calendar Year) available. July 2019-June 2020 (Academic Year) scheduled.
- 2019 Calendar Year reports include only requests placed in DOCLINE 6, March 4-December 31, 2019
6.2.9 (4/8/20)
- Journals / Holdings Search
- Added Library Status indicator to Holding Library card in Holdings search results
6.2.8 (4/2/20)
- Libraries
- Added Print Resources Available indicator in Lend Information>Loaning Policies
- Added Print Resources Available Libraries Search filter
6.2.7 (4/1/20)
- Journals
- Added Holdings Report dashboard
- Added ability to build and download Library Holdings Report (CSV)
- Overall/Administration
- Software library upgrade
6.2.6 (3/4/20)
- Borrow
- Added Resubmit feature for Retired Unfilled Requests
- Overall/Administration
- Web platform software update
- EFTS transition preparation
6.2.5 (1/8/20)
- Journal Holdings maintenance process integration
6.2.4 (12/4/19)
- Requests: Added Routing Algorithm information, labeled "Via"
- In Borrow Request confirmation display; Borrow Request History, and on Requests Receipts for both Borrower and Lender
- Updated Search to include pagination at the bottom of pages in Requests, Libraries, Journals, and Holdings Search results
- Revised Borrow Menu options to improve clarity and ease of use
- Updated Account Application emails
- Updated "Fill from Format" label on Request forms
6.2.3 (11/13/19)
- Updated Limited Retention Holdings evaluation within Routing Algorithm
- Updated Cancel Request logic regarding 'Last Action Library' used in 'Contact Library' feature
- Added Requests at 'Warning' status (pending removal for lack of receipt or update) to Lend>Pending Receipt or Update search results
6.2.2 (10/28/19)
- Request Search
- Added "Contact Library" feature. "Contact Library" envelope icon appears next to current Borrower/Lender on request card in Request search results
- Library Profile
- Updated and secured EFTS administration in Lend Information
- Updated Contacts logic for required contact roles
- Library Search
- Added filters to limit search results by
- DOCLINE Participant status
- Open/Closed status
- Library Type
- Region
- State
- Routing Table inclusion
- Lend Service Levels offered (ex. Rush, Urgent Patient Care)
- Lend Delivery Methods offered
- EFTS Participant status
- Lending Days
- Added filters to limit search results by
6.2.1 (10/10/19)
- Borrow
- Added “in holdings” alert for PMID ordering
- Journals
- Added limited retention to holdings year search filter
- Added additional journals
- Overall/Administration
- Additional search options in the Administration Dashboard
- System maintenance
6.2.0 (10/1/19)
- Borrow
- Added ability to create Borrow requests using multiple PMIDs
- PMID Request results page enhanced with more information about requested item(s), and about requests overall
- Updated manual request receipt to include a second Author field (if present)
- Manual request input form updated with user help
- Button labels updated to improve clarity
- Journals
- Updated Journals Search to include user options when "No Journal Found"
- Users
- Added additional help text on "Permission Denied" sign in message to assist in trouble-shooting log in issues
- User Account application emails links to NLM interlibrary loan and Customer Service updated
- Overall/Administration
- Updated NLM Customer Support links throughout website
- Additional search options in Administration Dashboard
- System maintenance
6.1.16 (8/28/19)
- Web-platform updated
6.1.15 (8/12/19)
- URL reverted to
6.1.14 (7/23/19)
- Added Service Level (Rush, Urgent Patient Care) filter to Holdings Search to limit results to libraries
that offer the selected level of service. After a journal is selected, Holdings filters display. - System updates for better performance
- Fixed issue with National Institutes of Health user credentialing
6.1.13 (6/13/19)
- Added secondary Place Order button to the top of request forms to reduce scrolling
- Added multiple filters to Holdings Search. After a journal is selected, the following filters are available to limit Holdings search results:
- Year
- Volume
- Format
- Embargo
- E-Pub Ahead of Print
- Supplementary Data
- My Library Groups
- Selected Library Groups
- Not in My Routing Table
6.1.12 (6/4/19)
- Updated Lend Receipt function to address bug caused by new or cancelled requests arriving when receipt is in process
6.1.11 (5/28/19)
- Added Request Reports Dashboard
- Added Monthly Activity Summary Report, including links for up to two prior months
- Activity Summary includes Lender and Borrower statistics and performance tables
- Added Lender Performance Statistics to Lend Information accordion in Library Profile
6.1.10 (4/29/19)
- Updated required fields for PMID ordering, reducing the need to place Manual requests
- Updated Need by Date Expiration for lender reporting
6.1.9 (4/9/19)
- Added downloadable EFTS Manual Billing File report of filled requests for EFTS libraries.
6.1.8 (3/28/19)
- Added Journal Unique Identifier (UI) ordering for non-PMID citations, which will allow requests to route via borrowers' Automated Routing Table.
- Journal UI ordering can be initiated from Borrow menu, and from Journal search results, after a single journal card has been selected.
6.1.7 (3/27/19)
- Added Copyright Compliance Review alert for PMID ordering if articles being ordered are older than 5 years and "guidelines" is selected by default.
- Updated routing defaults on Manual ordering form for ‘Route to NLM’
- Added Request review functionality for DOCLINE Coordinators
6.1.6 (3/20/19)
- Added "Previously Ordered PMID" alert in PMID ordering
6.1.5 (3/12/19)
- Updated delivery defaults on Manual ordering form
6.1.4 (3/11/19)
- Added Latest Route information to request receipts (current lender and action/reason)
6.1.3 (3/8/19)
- Added label "Last 7 days" to Retired requests view, in My Borrowing Activity & Status card
6.1.2 (3/8/19)
- Added Actual Delivery Method to Request information cards in Request Search results
6.1.1 (3/7/19)
- Improved PMID ordering, reducing the need to place Manual requests
- Updated Need by Date expiration
6.1.0 (3/4/19)
- Added base Request features for Borrowing & Lending
- Requesting with PMID & Manual methods
- Automatic & Manual Routing
- Routing algorithm
- Lend Update
- Request Search
- Request status warnings and automatic re-routing (TTA)
- Need by Date
Last Reviewed: December 2, 2024