May 22, 2008 [2nd Edition]
June 16, 2008 [3rd Edition]
June 20, 2008 [4th Edition]
PubMed Central®: New Journals Participating and New Content Added
New Journals Participating
BMC Proceedings
[Posted in NLM Technical Bulletin May 9, 2008]
The journal BMC Proceedings is now participating in PubMed Central, beginning with issue 2007; 1(1). There is no embargo delay for this journal.
BMC Proceedings
ISSN: 1753-6561 (electronic)
Title Abbreviation: BMC Proc
Publisher: BioMed Central
NLM ID: 101316936
PMC Full text coverage: from 2007; 1(1).
Biotechnology for Biofuels
[Posted in NLM Technical Bulletin May 9, 2008]
The journal Biotechnology for Biofuels is now participating in PubMed Central, beginning with issue 2008; 1(1). There is no embargo delay for this journal.
Biotechnology for Biofuels
ISSN: 1754-6834 (electronic)
Title Abbreviation: Biotechnol Biofuels
Publisher: BioMed Central
NLM ID: 101316935
PMC Full text coverage: from 2008; 1(1).
International Archives of Medicine
[Posted in NLM Technical Bulletin May 9, 2008]
The journal International Archives of Medicine is now participating in PubMed Central, beginning with issue 2008; 1(1). There is no embargo delay for this journal.
International Archives of Medicine
ISSN: 1755-7682 (electronic)
Title Abbreviation: Int Arch Med
Publisher: BioMed Central Ltd.
NLM ID: 101317943
PMC Full text coverage: from 2008; 1(1).
Molecular Cytogenetics
[Posted in NLM Technical Bulletin May 9, 2008]
The journal Molecular Cytogenetics is now participating in PubMed Central, beginning with issue 2008; 1(1). There is no embargo delay for this journal.
Molecular Cytogenetics
ISSN: 1755-8166 (electronic)
Title Abbreviation: Mol Cytogenet
Publisher: BioMed Central Ltd.
NLM ID: 101317942
PMC Full text coverage: from 2008; 1(1).
HPB Surgery
[Posted in NLM Technical Bulletin May 22, 2008]
The journal HPB Surgery is now participating in PubMed Central, beginning with issue 2008; 1(1). Additional content is forthcoming and will have an immediate release.
HPB Surgery
ISSN: 0894-8569 (print)
ISSN: 1607-8462 (electronic)
Title Abbreviation: HPB Surg
Publisher: Hindawi Publishers
NLM ID: 9002972
PMC Full text coverage: from 2008; 1(1).
Canadian Journal of Surgery
[Posted in NLM Technical Bulletin May 22, 2008]
The journal Canadian Journal of Surgery is now participating in PubMed Central, beginning with issue 2007; 50(6). There is no embargo delay for this journal. Back issues will be forthcoming.
Canadian Journal of Surgery
ISSN: 0008-428X (print)
ISSN: 1488-2310 (electronic)
Title Abbreviation: Can J Surg
Publisher: Canadian Medical Association
NLM ID: 0372715
PMC Full text coverage: from 2007; 50(6).
Diagnostic and Therapeutic Endoscopy
[Posted in NLM Technical Bulletin May 22, 2008]
The journal Diagnostic and Therapeutic Endoscopy is now participating in PubMed Central, the archive includes 1994; 1(4) - 2008. There is no embargo delay for this journal.
Diagnostic and Therapeutic Endoscopy
ISSN: 1070-3608 (print)
ISSN: 1029-0516 (electronic)
Title Abbreviation: Diagn Ther Endosc
Publisher: Hindawi Publishers
NLM ID: 9502019
PMC Full text coverage: from 1994; 1(4).
[Posted in NLM Technical Bulletin June 16, 2008]
The journal Age is now participating in PubMed Central, beginning with issue 2007; 2(1-54). Current content is forthcoming with a 12-month delay.
ISSN: 0161-9152 (print)
ISSN: 1574-4647 (electronic)
Title Abbreviation: Age (Omaha)
Publisher: American Aging Association
NLM ID: 7801686
PMC Full text coverage: from 2007; 29(1).
Cognitive Neurodynamics
[Posted in NLM Technical Bulletin June 16, 2008]
The journal Cognitive Neurodynamics is now participating in PubMed Central, beginning with issue 2007; 1(1). Current content is forthcoming with a 12-month delay.
Cognitive Neurodynamics
ISSN: 1871-4080 (print)
ISSN: 1871-4099 (electronic)
Title Abbreviation: Cogn Neurodyn
Publisher: Dordrecht : Springer
NLM ID: 101306907
PMC Full text coverage: from 2007; 1(1).
Journal Title: Canadian Urological Association Journal
[Posted in NLM Technical Bulletin June 16, 2008]
The journal Journal Title: Canadian Urological Association Journal is now participating in PubMed Central, archive inclues issue 2007; 1(1). There is no embargo delay for this journal.
Journal Title: Canadian Urological Association Journal
ISSN: 1911-6470 (print)
Title Abbreviation: Can Urol Assoc J
Publisher: Canadian Medical Association
NLM ID: 101312644
PMC Full text coverage: from 2007; 1(3).
Journal of Hematology and Oncology
[Posted in NLM Technical Bulletin June 20, 2008]
The journal Journal of Hematology and Oncology is now participating in PubMed Central, beginning with issue 2008; 1. There is no embargo delay for this journal.
Journal of Hematology and Oncology
ISSN: 1756-8722 (electronic)
Title Abbreviation: J Hematol Oncol
Publisher: BioMed Central
NLM ID: 101468937
PMC Full text coverage: from 2008; 1.
Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research : CR
[Posted in NLM Technical Bulletin June 20, 2008]
The journal Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research : CR is now participating in PubMed Central, the archive includes 2008; 27. There is no embargo delay for this journal.
Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research : CR
ISSN: 1756-9966 (electronic)
ISSN: 0392-9078 (print)
Title Abbreviation: J Exp Clin Cancer Res
Publisher: Apsit
NLM ID: 8308647
PMC Full text coverage: from 2008; 27.
Cases Journal
[Posted in NLM Technical Bulletin June 20, 2008]
The journal Cases Journal is now participating in PubMed Central, the archive includes 2008; 1. There is no embargo delay for this journal.
Cases Journal
ISSN: 1757-1626 (electronic)
Title Abbreviation: Cases J
Publisher: BioMed Central
NLM ID: 101474272
PMC Full text coverage: from 2008; 1.

PubMed Central®: New Journals Participating and New Content Added. NLM Tech Bull. 2008 May-Jun; (362):e6.