List of Serials Indexed for Online Users, 2011 Available in XML
The List of Serials Indexed for Online Users (LSIOU), 2011 edition, is now available in XML format. The 2011 edition contains 14,287 serial titles, including titles currently indexed for MEDLINE® as well as titles indexed over time which have ceased or changed titles, listed alphabetically by the journal title abbreviation.
Tailored lists of indexed journals may be generated from the NLM® Catalog database Limits page. While the 2011 XML version of the LSIOU is a snapshot in time, this Limits page can be used to get a "real time" list for the LSIOU; select the Journal Subset called "Journals currently or previously indexed in MEDLINE" limit. For a list of only the currently indexed MEDLINE journals, select the Journal Subset called "Journals currently indexed in MEDLINE."
Journals newly selected for indexing are announced on this NLM Web resource page three times per year (after October, February, and June): Journals Recently Accepted by NLM for Inclusion in MEDLINE. Journals announced on this page are automatically part of the retrieval from the NLM Catalog searches.
For additional details about searching the NLM Catalog, see NLMĀ® Catalog and Journals Databases Merge, NLM Catalog: New Search Features for Journals Cited in Entrez Databases, and the NLM Catalog Quick Tours, in particular, Searching for Journals in the NLM Catalog.

List of Serials Indexed for Online Users, 2011 Available in XML. NLM Tech Bull. 2011 Jan-Feb;(378):e12.