July 17, 2006 [posted]
MLA 2006:
NLM® Theater PowerPoint® Presentations
- NLM Online Users' Meeting
- Meeting Remarks - David Gillikin, Head, MEDLARS Management Section
- PowerPoint® Presentations for Meeting Remarks, MedlinePlus®, DOCLINE® and MeSH®
- Questions and Answers
NLM Theater PowerPoint® Presentations
- NLM Update PowerPoint® Presentation

t he NLM exhibit booth at the Annual Meeting of the Medical Library Association featured theater presentations to bring users up-to-date on some of the Library's products and services. This year, the following presentations were offered:
- Bookshelf
- ClinicalTrials.gov
- Genetics Home Reference®
- LinkOut® Update
- NLM Gateway
- PubMed Central® Update
- PubMed® Review
- What's New with MedlinePlus® , Go Local & NIHSeniorHealth?
- Unified Medical Language System® (UMLS®)
- Your Environment & Your Health
These presentations were created in Microsoft® PowerPoint®. If you do not have PowerPoint, you can download the Microsoft Office PowerPoint viewer.

MLA 2006: NLM® Online Users' Meeting 2006: NLM® Theater PowerPoint® Presentations. NLM Tech Bull. 2006 Jul-Aug;(351):e3d.