NLM Announces 2024 History Talks
The National Library of Medicine (NLM) is pleased to announce the 2024 History Talks. These virtual talks are all free, live-streamed globally, and archived on NLM’s YouTube channel and NIH VideoCasting. We invite you to join this year’s History Talks:

Alice Weinreb, PhD, Associate Professor of History, Loyola University Chicago, will offer the 15th Annual James H. Cassedy Lecture in the History of Medicine, “Anorexia in the Archives: Documenting the Late Twentieth Century Rise in Eating Disorders.” Dr. Weinreb’s talk will take place via NIH Videocasting at 2pm Eastern Time on Thursday, February 8, 2024.

Ren Capucao, MSN, RN, PhD candidate, Bjoring Center for Nursing Historical Inquiry, School of Nursing, University of Virginia, will speak on “(Un)fit to Nurse: Efficiency and Discipline at the Philippine General Hospital, 1898–1916.” Mr. Capucao’s talk will take place via NIH Videocasting at 2pm Eastern Time on Thursday, April 25, 2024.

Lorna Ebner, PhD candidate, History Department, The State University of New York, Stony Brook, will speak on “Burning Contagion: Organized Arson in Response to Quarantine Facilities and Pest Houses, 1858-1901.” Ms. Ebner’s talk will take place via NIH Videocasting at 2pm Eastern Time on Thursday, May 30, 2024.

Ogechukwu Williams, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of History and Department of Medical Humanities Creighton University, and 2022 NLM Michael E. DeBakey Fellow, will offer the 8th annual Michael E. DeBakey Lecture in the History of Medicine, “Assailed at Home; Champions Abroad: The American College of Nurse Midwives’ Push for Maternal Healthcare Advancements in Nigeria.” Dr. Williams’s talk will take place at 2pm Eastern Time on Wednesday, September 25, 2024.

Rachael Gillibrand, PhD, University of Leeds, will speak on “Visionary Technology: Exploring Eyeglasses and Impairment in NLM’s Collections.” Dr. Gillibrand’s talk will take place via NIH Videocasting at 2pm Eastern Time on Thursday, October 17, 2024.

Namhee Lee, PhD, Research Professor, The Ewha Institute of History, Ewha Womans University, South Korea, will speak on “In the Pursuit of Mental Well-being: Robert H. Felix and His Role in the Establishment of Mental Health in America.” Dr. Lee’s talk will take place via NIH Videocasting at 2pm Eastern Time on Thursday, November 7, 2024.
NLM History Talks promote awareness and use of NLM and related historical collections for research, education, and public service in biomedicine, the social sciences, and the humanities. The series also supports the commitment of NLM to recognize the diversity of its collections, which span ten centuries, encompass a range of digital and physical formats, and originate from nearly every part of the globe, and to foreground the voices of people of color, women, and individuals of a variety of cultural and disciplinary backgrounds who value these collections and use them to advance their research, teaching, and learning.
Read interviews with the speakers in this series on NLM’s blog Circulating Now.
Find complete details for all these events on the NLM History Talks webpage.