預防血吸蟲病 (To prevent snail fever), ca. 1954
預防血吸蟲病 (To prevent snail fever), Ministry of Health, Propaganda Office, and Health Educational Equipment Manufacturing, ca. 1954
Schistosomiasis, also known as bilharzia, is a disease caused by parasitic worms carried by freshwater snails. This poster describes how people become ill with schistosomiasis, like drinking from well water containing the parasitic worms, and ways to prevent it. Methods of prevention pictured include farmers keeping composts to kill the Schistosoma eggs, burying the snails while digging water channels, and going to get preventative care at local health offices and clinics.
About the Book
![Posters with images and text showing methods of preventing schistosomiasis, title on top](/hmd/topics/chinese-posters/images/poster-vector_101560265.jpg)
This two-poster series created by the Propaganda Office of the Ministry of Health, ca. 1954, educates Chinese citizens on the spread of Schistosomiasis from freshwater snails and malaria and elephantiasis from mosquitoes