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Gallery: War and Politics

解放后党特别关怀群众健康 (The Party Cares about People's Health after the Liberation), ca. 1970

解放后党特别关怀群众健(The Party Cares about People's Health after the Liberation), author unknown, ca. 1970

This poster shows a woman lying in bed while a female health worker dressed in white examines her. A younger and an older man are standing in front them talking and saying, “Thanks to emphasis on prevention and treatment of malaria, the numbers of malaria patients have decreased, people's health improved, and production and reconstruction strengthened.” The sentiments in this poster serve as government propaganda for leadership of the People’s Republic of China and Chairman Mao in their efforts to eradicate malaria.

About the Book

Poster with green background, panel of text to the left, and image to the right showing a sick child in bed, mother kneeling on the floor while a man and female health care worker stand and look at the mother

This Cultural Revolution era two-poster series, published around 1970, encourages citizens to believe in the government and science, not tradition nor superstition, to protect themselves from diseases like malaria. Like many public health posters of this time, the politics of the moment are used to incentivize the public to do their part and stay healthy.