Banner featuring Arabic calligraphy in dark blue ink above the words Islamic Medical Manuscripts at the National Library of Medicine written in burgundy ink.

Catalogue: Medical Therapeutics

Blue arrow pointing to the rightA Note on Medical Therapeutics

Blue arrow pointing to the right Kitāb Būr’ al-sā‘ah   (MS A 84, item 4)
(Cure in an Hour)
كتاب برؤ الساعة
by Abū Bakr Muammad ibn Zakarīyā’ al-Rāzī, (d. ca. 925/313)
ابو بكر محمد ابن زكرياء الرازى
Blue arrow pointing to the right Kitab Būr’ al-sā‘ah   (MS P 5.1, item 2)
(Cure in an Hour)
كتاب برؤ الساعة
by Abū Bakr Muammad ibn Zakarīyā’ al-Rāzī, (d. ca. 925/313)
ابو بكر محمد ابن زكرياء الرازى
Blue arrow pointing to the right Dastūr al-‘ilāj   (MS P 6)
(The Rule Book for Therapy)
دستور العلاج
by Sulān ‘Alī Khurāsānī (fl. 1526-7/933)
سلطانعلى طبيب خرسانى
Blue arrow pointing to the right Mukhtaar Tadhkirat al-Suwaydī   (MS A 45)
(The Epitome of Suwaydi's 'Memorandum Book')
مختصر تذكرة السويدى
by ‘Abd al-Wahhāb ibn Amad al-Sha‘rānī> (d. 1565/973)
عبد الوهاب ابن احمد الشعرانى
Blue arrow pointing to the right Asrār al-‘ilāj / Risālah Dhakhīrah wa-‘ujālah ‘azīzah   (MS A 5)
(The Secrets of Curing / Memorandum Book and Notable Jottings)
اسرار العلاج / رساله ذخيرة وعجالة عزيزة
by Mīrzā ‘Alī (fl. 1659/1070)
ميرزا على
Blue arrow pointing to the right Khāliah fī inā‘at al‑ibb   (MS A 31)
(Miscellany on the Art of Medicine)
خالطة فى صناعة الطب
by Amad ibn Muammad al-Salāwī (fl. 1770-1815)
احمد ابن محمد السلاوى
Blue arrow pointing to the right al-Dastūr al-Jalālī   (MS A 9)
(Jalal's Book of Rules)
الدستور الجلالى
by Jalāl al-Dīn Muammad al-abīb al-Ifahānī (fl. 1828/1244)
جلال الدين محمد الطبيب الاصفهانى
Blue arrow pointing to the right Kitāb al-Mayāmir   (MS A 39, item 2)
(The Book of Homilies)
كتاب الميامر
Blue arrow pointing to the right Fī amrād al-mukhtaar   (MS A 39, item 1)
(On Abbreviated Diseases)
فى الامراض المختصر
Blue arrow pointing to the right A Note on Single Conditions
Blue arrow pointing to the right al-Risālah al-Shāfiyah fi adwiyat al-nisyān   (MS A 3/II, item 1)
(The Salutory Treatise on Drugs for Forgetfulness)
الرسالة الشافية فى ادوية النسيان
by Isāq ibn unayn (d. 910/298)
اسحق ابن حنين
Blue arrow pointing to the right Kitāb al-Qawlanj   (MS A 55)
(The Treatise on Colic)
كتاب القولنج
by Abū ‘Alī al-usayn ibn ‘Abd Allāh Ibn Sīnā (Avicenna) (d. 1037/428)
ابو على الحسين ابن عبد الله ابن سينا
Blue arrow pointing to the right Mu‘alajat al-amrā al-khairah al-bādiyah ‘alá al-badan min khārij   (MS A 91, item 1)
(The Treatment of Dangerous Diseases Appearing Superficially on the Body)
معالجة الامراض الخطرة البادية على البدن من خارج
by Abī ‘Abd Allāh Muammad ibn asan Ibn al-Kattānī (d. 1029/420)
ابو عبد الله محمد ابن حسن المعروف بابن الكتانى
Blue arrow pointing to the right Risālah fī al-bawāsīr   (MS A 90, item 1)
(Essay on Hemorrhoids)
رسالة فى البواسير
by Abū ‘Imrān Mūsá ibn ‘Ubayd Allāh Ibn Maymūn al-Qurūbī known as Maimonides (d. 1204/601)
ابو عمران موسى عبيد الله ابن ميمون القرطوبى
Blue arrow pointing to the right Zād al-masīr fī ‘ilāj al-bawāsīr   (MS A 92, item 3)
(The Provisions of the Journey for the Treatment of Hemorrhoids)
زاد المسير فى علاج البواسير
by Muammad ibn Muammad (Qūūnizāde) al-Qawūnī (fl. 1520-1574/926-982)
محمد ابن محمد القوصونى [قوصونزاده]
Blue arrow pointing to the right Risālah fī al-mafāil   (MS A 80.1)
(On the Joints)
رسالة فى المفاصل
by Abū amid Muammad ibn ‘Alī ibn ‘Umar Najīb al-Dīn al-Samarqandī (d. 1222/619)
ابو حامد محمد ابن على ابن عمر نجيب الدين السمرقندى
Blue arrow pointing to the right Natījat al-malūbāt fī ma‘rifat al-ummayāt   (MS A 49)
(The Result of Searchings for the Knowledge of Fevers)
نتيجة المطلوبات فى معرفة الحميات
by Būlus ibn Qusanīn al‑Malakī al-Shābūrī (? 18th cent.)
بولس ابن قسطنطين الملكى الشابورى
Blue arrow pointing to the right Kitāb Ghayhāt al-umniyāt fī ma‘rifat al-ummayāt     (MS A 15)
(The Most That Could be Desired Concerning the Knowledge of Fevers)
كتاب غياة الامنيات فى معرفة الحميات
Blue arrow pointing to the right Fī al-istifrāgh   (MS P 28, item 2)
(On Vomiting)
فى الاستفراغ
Blue arrow pointing to the right Fawā’id al-asanīyah fī al-mujarrabāt al-ibbīyah   (MS A 10)
(Useful Information for al-Hasan on Tested Medical Remedies)
فوائد الحسنية فى المجربات الطبية
by Muammad ibn Thālib (ibn ‘Abd Allāh ibn Ni‘mat Allāh ibn adr al-Dīn ibn al-shaykh Bahā’ al-Dīn) al-Shīrāzī (17th century)
محمد ابن ثالب ابن عبد الله ابن نعمة الله ابن صدر الدين ابن الشيخ بهاء الدين الشيرازى
Blue arrow pointing to the right [Therapeutic manual on mujarrabat]   (MS A 91, item 4)
by Muammad ibn Khamrah (dates unknown)
محمد ابن خمرة
Blue arrow pointing to the right Amrā al-ra's [wa] dā' al-tha‘lab wa-al-suf‘ah wa-al-qara‘ wa-jamī‘ qurū al-ra's   (MS A 87, item 5)
(Diseaes of the Head, Loss of Hair, Dark Spots, Baldness, and All Ulcers of the Head)
امراض [و] دا الثعلب والسفعه والقرع وجميع قروح الراس
Blue arrow pointing to the right [Collection of Experiences and Remedies (mujarrabat)]   (MS A 92, item 4)
Blue arrow pointing to the right Risālah-i mujarrabāt   (MS P 23, item 2)
(Treatise on Tested Remedies)
رساله مجربات
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