Banner featuring Arabic calligraphy in dark blue ink above the words Islamic Medical Manuscripts at the National Library of Medicine written in burgundy ink.

Catalogue: Medical Monographs

Blue arrow pointing to the right A Note on Medical Monographs

Blue arrow pointing to the right Kunnāsh al-adyirah wa-al-ruhbān (Compendium for Monasteries and Monks), or
Fī tadbīr al-amrā al-‘āriah ‘alá al-akthār min al-aghdhiyah al-ma‘lūfah wa-al-adwiyah al-mawufah li-yantaf‘u bi-hā ruhbān al-adyirah wa-man ba‘uda ‘an al-madīnah   (MS A 37)
(On the Management of Diseases for the Most Part Through Common Foodstuffs and Available Medicaments, Specifically for the Use of Monks of the Monasteries and Whoever is Far from the City),
في تدبير الامراض العارضة على الاكثار من الاغذية المعلوفة والادوية الموصوفة لينتفع بها رهبان الاديرة ومن بعد عن المدينة / كناش الاديرة والرهبان
by Abū al-asan al-Mukhtār ibn ‘Abdūn Ibn Bulān (d. 1066/458)
ابو الحسن المختار ابن عبدون ابن بطلان

Blue arrow pointing to the right ibb al-fuqarā’ wa-al-masākīn   (MS A 92, item 1)
(Medicine for the Poor and Destitute)
طب الفقراء والمساكين
by Abū Ja‘far Amad ibn Ibrāhīm ibn Abī Khālid Ibn al-Jazzār (d. 979/369)
ابو جعفر احمد ابن ابراهيم ابن ابى خالد ابن الجزار

Blue arrow pointing to the right A Note on Anatomy and Physiology

Blue arrow pointing to the right Tashrī-i badan-i insān   (MS P 18)
(The Anatomy of the Human Body)
تشريح بدن انسان
by Manūr ibn Muammad ibn Amad ibn Yūsuf Ibn Ilyās (fl. ca. 1390)
منصور ابن محمد ابن احمد ابن يوسف ابن الياس

Blue arrow pointing to the right Tashrī-i badan-i insān   (MS P 19)
(The Anatomy of the Human Body)
تشريح بدن انسان
by Manūr ibn Muammad ibn Amad ibn Yūsuf Ibn Ilyās (fl. ca. 1390)
منصور ابن محمد ابن احمد ابن يوسف ابن الياس

Blue arrow pointing to the right al-Qawl al-arī fī ‘ilm al-tashrī   (MS A 54)
(The True Word about the Science of Anatomy)
القول الصريح فى علم التشريح
by Amad ibn ‘Abd al-Mun‘im al-Damanhūrī (d. 1778/1192)
احمد ابن عبد المنعم الدمنهورى

Blue arrow pointing to the right [Two Anatomical Drawings: a bloodletting figure and a venous figure]     (MS P 5, fol. A)

Blue arrow pointing to the right Tashrī al-abdān   (MS A 76)
(The Anatomy of Bodies)
تشريح الابدان

Blue arrow pointing to the right ‘Ilm al-ābī‘īyāt al-insānīyah   (MS A 21)
(The Science of Human Constitutions)
علم الطبيعيات الانسانية

Blue arrow pointing to the right [Six Early Modern Anatomical Illustrations]    (MS P 20, item 2)

Blue arrow pointing to the right A Note on Ophthalmology

Blue arrow pointing to the right Fawā’id min Kitāb Tadqīq al-nazar fī ‘ilm āssat al-baar   (MS A 3/II, item 3)
(Useful Lessons from the Book "Accuracy of Examination into Knowledge of the Sense of Vision")
فوائد من كتاب تدقيق النظر فى علم حاسة البصر
by ‘Abd al-Karīm Ibn Wāfid al-Lakhmī (d. 1074/467)]
عبد الكريم ابن وافد اللخمى

Blue arrow pointing to the right Kitāb Natījat al-fikar fī ‘ilāj amrā al-baar   (MS A 48)
(The Result of Thinking about the Cure of Eye Disease)
كتاب نتيجة الفكر فى علاج امراض البصر
by Fat al-Dīn (ibn ‘Uthmān ibn Hibat Allāh) al-Qaysī (d. 1258/657)
فتح الدين ابن عثمان ابن هبة الله القيسى

Blue arrow pointing to the right Kitāb al-‘Umdah al-kulīyah fī al-amrā al-baarīyah
or al-‘Umdah al-nuriyah fī al-amrā al-baarīyah   (MS A 29.1)
(The Ophthalmological Principle in Diseases of the Visual System)
كتاب العمدة الكحلية فى المراض البصرية
by adaqah ibn Ibrāhīm (al-anafī al-Mirī) al-Shadhilī (14th cent.)
صدقه ابن ابراهيم الشذلى الحنفى المصرى

Blue arrow pointing to the right Istibār fī ‘ilāj amrā al-abār   (MS A 23)
(Reflection on the Treatment of Ocular Diseases)
استبصار فى علاج امراض الابصار
by Ibrāhīm ibn Abī ālib ibn ‘Alī al-anafī (17th cent. ?)
ابراهيم ابن ابى طالب ابن على الحنفى

Blue arrow pointing to the right A Note on Phlebotomy, Cupping, and Cauterization

Blue arrow pointing to the right Maqālah fī al-fad   (MS A 58.1)
(An Essay on Bloodletting)
مقالة فى الفصد
or Maqālah al-amīnīyah fī al-fad
(Amin's Essay on Bloodletting)
مقالة الامينية فى الفصد
by Amīn al‑Dawlah Abū al‑asan Hibat Allāh Ibn al-Tilmīdh (d. 1154/549 or 1165/560)
امين الدوله ابو الحسن هبة الله ابن التلميذ

Blue arrow pointing to the right Risālah ijamīyah wa-fadīyah   (MS A 88/II)
(A Cupping and Bloodletting Essay)
رسالة حجمية و فصدية
by Muammad ibn Mamūd (fl. 1758/1171)
محمد ابن محمود

Blue arrow pointing to the right A Note on Diagnosis and Prognosis

Blue arrow pointing to the right Fī taqdimat al-ma‘rifah wa-ahkām al-burhān     (MS A 27, item 4)
(On Diagnosis and Prognosis and the Determination of the Crisis)
فى تقدمة المعرفة واحكام البرهان

Blue arrow pointing to the right Muqaddimah-i nabz   (MS P 29, marginal item 4)
(Introductory Treatise on the Pulse)
مقدمه نبض

Blue arrow pointing to the right Muqaddimah-i ‘ishq   (MS P 29, marginal item 5)
(Introductory Treatise on Lovesickness)
مقدمه عشق

Blue arrow pointing to the right Dar ‘ishq   (MS P 29, marginal item 7)
(On Lovesickness)
در عشق

Blue arrow pointing to the right Kitāb Bar al-jawāhir fī taqīq al-mualaāt al-ibbīyah   (MS A 6, item 1)
(The Sea of Jewels in the Precision of Medical Terms)
كتاب بحر الجواهر فى تحقيق المصطلحات الطبيه
by Muammad ibn Yūsuf al-Harawī (fl. 1492-1518)
محمد ابن يوسف الهراوى

Blue arrow pointing to the right A Note on Biographical Dictionaries

Blue arrow pointing to the right Ta'rikh al-hukama'   (MS A 72)
(The History of Learned Men)
by Ibn al-Qifti (d. 1248/646)

Blue arrow pointing to the right Ta’rīkh-i ukamā’   (MS A 72)
(The History of Learned Men)
كتاب تأريخ الحكماء
by ‘Alī ibn Yūsuf Ibn al-Qifī (d. 1248/646)
على ابن يوسف ابن القفطى

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