Education Online Activities
4. Letter to Miss Tebbutt dated April 25, 1856 (front)

General Hospital Balaclava
April 23/56
My dear Miss Tebbutt
In reply to yours of 19 April, as I am not in immediate want of Tainton & Wilsdon up here, I would undoubtedly think it better for you that you should wait till you hear whether Mr. and Mrs. Paget will come for you or not – as there is no good to be
4. Letter to Miss Tebbutt dated April 25, 1856 (back)

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gained by your coming up here excepting amusement (& very little of that, without Mr. and Mrs. Paget) and you do not wish to go home till you are no farther needed for the work - & as you feel that you have never taken such a journey without some one to take care of you – I hope the singing
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place, especially without yourself. As we send down 3 ships full of sick to Scutari next week, so I hear from head quarters, I should be afraid of dismantling Scutari hastily Believe me. ever yours
F Nightingale
Nightingale, Florence. Florence Nightingale Letters Collection: 1845-1878. Located in Modern Manuscripts Collection, History of Medicine Division, National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, MD; MS C 545