Note sur le Pachytylus Migratorius, Fisch. Fr. (Note on the Pachytylus Migratorius, Fisch. Fr.), A. Yersin, 1858
Swiss entomologist and high school teacher Alexander Yersin (1825–1863) primarily studied insects of the order Orthoptera and inscribed this pamphlet about the migratory locust (Locusta migratoria) to Claude Bernard. Both scientists shared an interest in insect physiology.
Some cases require investigation. My search for Yersin’s 1858 publication retrieved a record using the heading of an author of the same name born in 1863—his son who discovered the causative bacterium of the plague. Name authority records serve to distinguish people who share a name. To avoid future conflation, a record was created for the esteemed entomologist.
—Rare Book Cataloger